CedarStone Senior Living in Cedar Falls, IA handles the day to day chores for you while you remain the in the driver’s seat. Our services and amenities give you back the time you are looking for to do the things that you want.
Most of the day is spent cooking and cleaning, walking from one end of the house to the other, turning the television on so the drone of the newscasters and talkshows can keep you company. Driving is getting harder, cooking is getting lighter, and cleaning is more of a chore now than it ever was in the past. The occasional visits from family and friends punctuate hours of loneliness and isolation. The vibrant family home of the past feels more like a ghost town.
If you’ve experienced these feelings, you are not alone!
What is the #1 response from seniors after moving into CedarStone Senior Living? “I should have done this years ago!” That’s because the senior living lifestyle is filled with freedom, choice, friendship, and support. Say goodbye to tv dinners and hello to restaurant dining. Surround yourself with friends and neighbors who share your interests and want to enjoy daily events and entertainment with you. Don’t worry about the burdens of home ownership – let the CedarStone Senior Living team take care of the maintenance and housekeeping.